Make a difference on social media

Create a Facebook Birthday fundraiser to help our Home Life Community

  • 1. On your computer, login to Facebook.

    2. On the left, click Fundraisers.

    • Tip: If you don't see Fundraisers on the left, then click See more.

    3. On the left, click Raise money.

    4. Click Nonprofit.

    5. You can either:

    • Scroll to find the nonprofit you want to raise money for

    • Type into the search bar to find the nonprofit you want to raise money for

    6. Select the nonprofit.

    7. On the left, enter:

    • The goal amount of money you want to raise

    • The currency you want the funds to be in

    8. Click Create.

    You’ll see a screen pop up where you can invite your friends to donate to your fundraiser, share your fundraiser in your feed, or donate to the fundraiser yourself.

Create a personal nonprofit fundraiser on Facebook

  • 1. On your computer, login to Facebook.

    2. On the left, click fundraiser heart coin Fundraisers.

    Tip: If you don't see Fundraisers on the left, then click See more.

    3. On the left, click Raise money.

    4. Click Nonprofit.

    5. You can either:

    • Scroll to find the nonprofit you want to raise money for

    • Type into the search bar to find the nonprofit you want to raise money for

    6. Select the nonprofit.

    7. On the left, enter:

    • The goal amount of money you want to raise.

    • The currency you want the funds to be in.

    8. Click Create.

    You’ll see a screen pop up where you can invite your friends to donate to your fundraiser, share your fundraiser in your feed, or donate to the fundraiser yourself.

Add Donate Sticker in your Facebook Stories

  • 1. Open Facebook on an iOS or Android device.

    2. At the top of your Feed, tap +Create Story.

    3. Add your photo or video. You can tap a story type at the top (example: Boomerang) or select a photo or video from your camera roll. Tap Camera to take a new photo or video.

    4. Swipe up or tap in the top right, then tap Donate.

    5. Choose the Facebook Fundraiser you want to promote.

    6. Tap Share to Story.

    The fundraiser sticker on the story will show the current amount raised by that fundraiser.